New Live Chat Feature

With the site growing along with its number of users, it is time to introduce a feature where everyone can collaborate and communicate about bowling. There is a forum, but that is restricted to paid members only. Moreover, let's say you want tips and tricks to improve your personal bowling game, but instead of wanting to receive a virtual lesson, you simply want to chat with JR or other site users. Well, now there is a new feature available to everyone on the site called the Bowler's Chat, available here.
All accounts can use this feature - free or member - but please note you must be logged in to access it. The page acts as a live chat interface, where you can communicate with other users in real time. You can view who else is online, and if you notice a certain user online who you'd like to talk to, you can send a message and it will ping and notify him or her, along with all other online users. The option to like messages is available. If someone likes your message, you will receive a notification. All notifications are viewable by clicking the notification bell at the top of each page (you must be logged in to see the bell). If you wish to view all users whom have liked your message, simply hover over or click on the number of likes.
If you want to respond to a particular message, you can add a reply and start a thread of replies for that message. Usage of emojis is also available. To add an emoji, click on the face icon on the top right of the chat box. Emojis are grouped by category and are searchable. Messages can be updated and/or deleted after having been sent. There are also filters to view only your messages, your liked messages, and messages of a certain date range. Messages can be sorted by time sent or like count, in ascending or descending order.
Lastly, please be advised to keep messages appropriate and friendly to other site users. There is a profanity filter in place, so foul language will not be tolerated.
Thank you all for reading, and please start chatting away to grow the sport of bowling!
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